We had a wonderful time running, competing, socialising and just generally having a great time in 2024 .
Come and join us and get involved in 2025!
Join HERE bit.ly/JoinTheGRs
We start at 8.00am at the Wanchai Gap Park just off Stubbs Road near the police museum.
Its free to join the run but of course we would love it if you join the club too. 10.5km, usually takes between 60 to 75 mins ... We also have a 5km version so beginners are very welcome.
Join the Facebook Group and get the regular message about this week's run.
Click on the link and look for your shoes. It is very likley you wiill not be allowed to compete if your shoes are illegal or you can be disquaified if found to be running in a pair that is not allowed.
Ever since 2016, Gone Running has wanted to contribute to the running community and we quickly created our, now very successful, 30 person trail and road racing team with Joint Dynamics to encourage excellence.
It was a logical extension to then create the Gone Runners Running Club to support an even larger community from beginners to adv
Ever since 2016, Gone Running has wanted to contribute to the running community and we quickly created our, now very successful, 30 person trail and road racing team with Joint Dynamics to encourage excellence.
It was a logical extension to then create the Gone Runners Running Club to support an even larger community from beginners to advanced runners. We pride ourselves in being inclusive and bringing something for everybody.
In May 2020, we agreed to get together with Club Italia and work as one club. Club Italia has set the standard in Hong Kong for Road Running excellence and we will continue to nurture that.
Our members enjoy a range of benefits, courtesy of our partners. Gear Deals from Gone Running. Physio support from Joint Dynamics
Dedicated Women's Group devoted to providing specific support to our women members
An Online Training Platform which provides members with access to some top class trainers to support your wellness and running
Our members enjoy a range of benefits, courtesy of our partners. Gear Deals from Gone Running. Physio support from Joint Dynamics
Dedicated Women's Group devoted to providing specific support to our women members
An Online Training Platform which provides members with access to some top class trainers to support your wellness and running aims.
The ability to register as an HKAAA Athlete
Fun and games with FinePrint and Bravera
Over 200 group runs per year, numerous social functions and activities, make running fun!.
Monday - "Getting into Running Session" (pm)
Tuesday - Track Session (am & pm)
Wednesday - Monthly Social (pm)
Thursday - Tempos or Hill Repeat
Friday - Easy Recovery run (am)
Saturday - Trail Run (am)
Sunday - Long Run (am)
Monthly and Annual Membership
Over 200 group runs per year, numerous social functions and activities, make running fun!.
Monday - "Getting into Running Session" (pm)
Tuesday - Track Session (am & pm)
Wednesday - Monthly Social (pm)
Thursday - Tempos or Hill Repeat
Friday - Easy Recovery run (am)
Saturday - Trail Run (am)
Sunday - Long Run (am)
Monthly and Annual Membership available. Affiliated to HKAAA. Membership covers both The Gone Runners Running Club and Club Italia
Gone Runners are committed to creating a fun, safe environment for everyone to enjoy running - without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability or age!
The Session Choice during the month typically includes one of the following, but each Monday we send out the weeks specific session to Club members via our whatsapp group and a specific email .
We realize some people may have access to a track near where they live so we are also including the session for "Non HV Runners"
(1-2K warm-up and warm-down for each session):
We would like to keep open the option for participants to please keep donating to RUN HK, your contributions are very much appreciated. The link is : bit.ly/GRTrackSessionsCC.
The very latest events are always posted on the Club Whatsapp group. So please check that as the main source of information.
If you want you learn more about our club and what we organizing and arranging then please drop us a line.
3rd floor Simsons Commercial Building, 137-139 Johnston Rd, Hong Kong
Copyright © 2025 The Gone Runners Running Club - All Rights Reserved.